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University of Oklahoma

[SOC 5970] Special Topics/Seminar - 491

Start Date

Course Description

Special Topics/Seminar: Religion and Society

The course will serve as an introduction to the major religions of the world, giving a sense of their histories,

the societies of which they are part, and the institutions with which they interface, such as the economy, the

polity, family and the law. Religious traditions considered include: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, 

Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and indigenous traditions.


Course Dates

Dates March 18 - April 2, 2023.
Last day to enroll or drop without penalty February 17, 2023

Site Director

This is a three-credit hour online course. Please see your local Site Director or email our online site coordinator at [email protected]

Professor Contact Information

Course Professor Thomas J. Burns, Ph.D.
Mailing Address OU Dept. of Sociology
331 KH
Norman, OK 73019
Telephone Number (405) 325-1751
Email Address [email protected]
Professor availability The professor will be available via e-mail to students.

Textbook(s) and Instructional Materials

Student materials are available at the OU Bookstore Website at The website has book selling, renting, buying, returning, and order tracking capabilities. If you need help with an order, or if you have any questions contact the toll-free phone at 1-(855)-790-6637, agents are available from 9a – 5p (EST) Monday – Friday. Text prices are available online


(please note that it is typically most efficient and cost-effective to order this Canonical Texts book directly

from the publisher. To do that, go to the following website:

Note that the Canonical Texts book is also used in other courses, but is listed under SOC 3873, so if you

see SOC 3873 on the website, you have the right book!)

Recommended Books:

{Note: These following books are recommended only—they are not required. You may find them

interesting and useful, but you can do fine in the course without them.}

This course requires the ability to communicate both verbally and in writing. If you feel like you could

use some direction in writing, you will probably find the following recommended text helpful:

Schmidt, Judy H., et al. 2002. Six Steps to Effective Writing in Sociology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

The following is a recommended (but not required) text. It touches on many of the ideas we will be

covering in the class, coming at it from a bit of a different angle:

Kurtz, Lester R. 2012. Gods in the Global Village: The World’s Religions in a Sociological Perspective, 3e.

Los Angeles: Sage.

The following text has a wide selection of much shorter readings. Any of the editions from the 3rd on is


Fieser. James, and John Powers. 2008. Scriptures of the World’s Religions, 3e. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Also, at times during the semester, there will be other materials given that are not necessarily in a text,

but that are important nevertheless. These materials will either be on the class website at or may be handed out in class.

The Illustrated World's Religions A Guide to Our Wisdom Traditions
The Illustrated World's Religions A Guide to Our Wisdom Traditions
by Smith, Huston
Published by HarperCollins Publishers
ISBN: 9780060674403
Religion and Society
Religion and Society
by Burns, Thomas
Published by University Readers
ISBN: 9781609270537

OU Email

All official correspondence from instructors will be sent only to students’ address.


Email Account and Canvas: Students are expected to check their OU email accounts and the course site on Canvas daily for updates from the instructor


Course Objectives

Goals of the Course:

• To develop an understanding and appreciation of the major religions of the world

• To understand how religious institutions develop historically

• To develop a sense of how social science can study religion

• To see how religious institutions are influenced by, and have an influence on, societies

and the people in them

Course Outline

Major Religious Traditions Considered in the Course.

The course will be organized around a discussion of history and social practices associated with major


religious traditions from around the world. There are multiple online lectures for each of the

topics, so pull them up as you work your way through the material, learn and enjoy! The segments

of the course, along with the reading for each are:

1. General Introduction and Orientation

Go over the syllabus and discuss general ideas in the discipline

Read Smith Chapter 1

Also, read Chapter 1 of Drs Burns & Boyd’s book (available on class CANVAS site. Click on the

section under Content that says “Chapter from Thomas J Burns & Tom W Boyd’s World Religions


2. Hinduism

Read Smith Chapter on Hinduism

Read from Burns Volume on Hinduism

3. Buddhism

Read Smith Chapter on Buddhism

Read from Burns Volume on Buddhism

4. Confucianism/Religions of China

Read Smith Chapter on Confucianism

Read from Burns Volume on Confucianism

5. Taoism/Religions of China

Read Smith Chapter on Taoism

Read from Burns Volume on Taoism

<Midterm Exam>

6. Judaism

Read Smith Chapter on Judaism

Read from Burns Volume on Judaism

7. Christianity

Read Smith Chapter on Christianity

Read Selection from Burns Volume on Christianity

8. Islam

Read Smith Chapter on Islam

Read from Burns Volume on Islam

9. Native Traditions


Read Smith Chapter on Native Traditions

Read from Burns Volume on Native Traditions

10. Course Conclusion and Wrap-up

Read Chapter from Burns & Boyd book (available on class Canvas site)

<Final Exam>


Assignments, Grading and Due Dates

There are three grading components to the course: Exams (50%); Mini- Essay Discussion Posts (20%);

and a Post-Seminar Final Paper (30%).

A more detailed discussion of each follows, but in a nutshell here in bold, is the structure. Please read this

carefully and understand the following schedule. It is designed so that you can succeed, as long as you

adhere closely to it and follow the reading and lecture scheduled as outlined.

Relevant Course Milestones & Deadlines for the Course Are:

First Half Assignments: Discussion Posts 1-5 should be completed by March 25 (11:59 p.m. U.S.

Central Time). The Midterm Exam should be completed during the Midterm Exam Window, which

opens on March 25 (at 12:01 a.m. U.S. Central Time) and closes April 7 (11:59 p.m. CT).

Second Half Assignments: Discussion Posts 6-10 should be completed by April 2 (11:59 p.m. U.S.

Central Time). The Final Exam should be completed during the Final Exam Window, which opens

on April 2 (at 12:01 a.m. CT) and closes April 16 (11:59 p.m. CT).

Paper (Post-Seminar): Due by April 23 (11:59 p.m. U.S. Central Time)

Exams (50%):

We will have two exams—a Midterm (25%) and a Final (25%). The window for the Midterm and

the Final Exams are 2 full weeks (with some overlap, which students in the past have found helpful), and

you can take as much time as you need during the respective open windows. If you feel you need the

entire time you may have it, as long as you make absolutely sure to turn in the exam by the deadline

(11:59 pm of the last day of the respective window). Once the window opens, you can go in and get

access to the exam. It would be a good idea for you to download the questions, so you have them available

for the entire time you take the exam. Please be clear about which questions you

are answering (and state that clearly). There is plenty of time in both exam windows, so short of an all-out

emergency, there should be no excuse for not finishing comfortably in time.

The Midterm Exam will cover the material for the first half: (Introduction, Hinduism, Buddhism, and the

Religions of China). The essays tend to balance “big picture” sorts of questions, with some important

detail. It is important to give a sense of how those tie together.

While the Final Exam will build on what we learned in the first half of the course, it focuses on the

material from the second half of the course (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Native Traditions, and Overall

Lessons). Its format will also be essay, structured precisely as was the midterm.

In the past, students who have done the reading and thought it through, and who pay close attention to


lectures, and thought them through, tend to get a great deal out of the class, and to do high quality work

on the exams in the process!

In addition, there are study guides for what we cover in the course. In doing your studying and

preparation, students typically find those to be good guides in helping you organize the material going

into the exam.

Mini-Essay Discussion Posts (20%):

The other 20% of the grade is a function of online participation; for that, you will make at least 10

posts, each worth 2% of the grade, for a total of 20%. The online posts and discussions are a key

component of the course, and therefore of your grade.

For each section, you will attach an article or a video clip of something from the news, that

touches in some significant way on the religion we are covering in class. You can find articles or video

clips from anywhere you want, typically from an internet or library search (and there are literally

thousands of examples out there—it is pretty hard to miss on this aspect of the course!).

You will write a post about it, describing it and attaching a clip (preferable) or URL web link (if

attaching it does not work). Your post should also tie it to some aspect of what we talked about in lecture

or the readings.

Not to worry--there are literally hundreds, if not thousands of examples to be found readily on the

internet or your local library or newsstand, of articles or news items about any of the religious traditions

covered in the course. Part of this exercise is to get you used to being an educated news reader. Part of

that process is to be able to connect what you are reading to what you are learning in your formal

education, to do it readily and in a depth that goes beyond a mere surface reading. There is more detail

given later in the syllabus.

You will make a post a mini-essay to our class’s CANVAS discussion board for each of the

articles you read. In those posts, you should give the members of the class a sense of something you

learned in the article, and your thoughts about how it is relevant to the reading in the books or in lecture.

The mini-essay should give a sense of something you learned from the article and the related text

material. It is also good (not required, but a good idea) to sometimes include in your writing a response

to something written by your classmates on the board. You may, for example, find that you read an

article that relates to something posted by another student, or you may find you got something different

out of the reading. Either is fine, as long as you articulate your position and support it with something

from the article itself and from the text material and do so in a mutually uplifting and respectful way.

Assuming your mini-essay post is of the requisite length and complexity (which in this case

means about the length of 2-3 paragraphs, 6-8 sentences each), shares something from the reading with

your classmates, and has been reasonably thought out, you will receive full credit. If it does not say

something that is relevant to what we are covering, appears to be “tossed off,” or is gratuitously

offensive, it will receive a zero. For something basically in the ballpark but falling short, you may receive

partial credit. You should be able to get full credit in this section of the course, assuming you take it

seriously and make the postings in a reasonable fashion.

Basically, you will average one post for a reading to accompany each of the religions we discuss

in the lectures. For your 5th (toward the midterm) and your 10th and final post, the assignment is a little

different, but one I hope you will enjoy and find a great stimulus to your own study. For the 5th post,

write a brief (also 2-3 paragraphs of 6-8 sentences each) mini-essay telling us any one or two take-away

lessons from the first half of the class—basically through Eastern Religions. There are no wrong answers


here (assuming you write it in good faith and give it some thought). Tell us what one or two of the ideas

of the class to which you have given some thought, and how they might be things you will remember and

perhaps use as a tool in your own social analysis, once the class is over.

The 10th Mini Post will be something like the 5th but will focus on the second half of the course

(anything from Judaism on…), or something from the course in general.

There are literally thousands of examples…For examples, you can look on the class Canvas site

consider the Other Items of Interest module under the Modules tab. In there, you can find the kind of

article you will be looking for. Click, for example on the National Geographic article about the Dalit or

“Untouchable” under-caste. It would be the kind of article you could use for Hinduism (the article itself

would not be eligible for you to use, because one of the major points of the exercise is for you to find an

article on your own).

That would be the kind of article you would attach to your discussion board post under Hinduism.

You will talk about the main points of the article in one paragraph, tie it to something we covered in the

class (in this case, the situation of the Untouchables, the overall caste system and their relation to it, and a

few of the more sociological processes that bear on how it has unfolded over time; in this case, the

phenomenon of cultural lag, where cultural norms and beliefs may take years or decades or even

centuries to catch up to changes in material conditions such as the transition from feudalism to capitalism,

or that merely changing a law without changing the cultural conditions underlying it can be associated

with widespread social dislocation. Welcome to the world of comparative religions as filtered through the

lenses of a sociologist! Stick with it, embrace it, and you will get more out of this course than you may

have thought possible. It is a wonderful learning experience (dare I use the word fun in the syllabus—but

there you go!).

The posts on our class’s CANVAS discussion board will, I hope, allow us to use the medium of

our computers to full advantage, giving us an online parallel to class participation. While only ten posts

are absolutely required, I do hope that people will interact above and beyond that via the postings, so that

it becomes an interesting discussion board rather than a dry place to simply dump assignments.

Post Seminar Assignment -- Final Paper (30%):

A brief paper (12-15 pages) on one of the religious traditions covered in the course, is

required. A number of guidelines are below here in the syllabus, under Useful Things to Look For.

Due date is April 23, 2023.

The class paper accounts for 30% of the grade. You will write a paper (in standard American Sociological

Association format, a handbook for which is posted on our class site) discussing one of the major

world’s religions covered in the Canonical Texts Reader. The target length is 12-15 pages, typed, doublespaced.

While there is some flexibility here, I have included some guidelines in this syllabus for the study of

religions in general, and for how they are situated within their respective societies. These guidelines are

also quite useful in terms of organizing your thinking for when you write your paper. There are numerous

references generally available for virtually all of the major world’s religions. As a target, you should plan on

having about 16-20 references for your paper’s bibliography. Each reference should be properly cited. You can

write your course paper on any of the traditions covered during the semester.

Notice: Failure to meet assignment due dates could result in a lowered grade or a grade of I (Incomplete) and

may adversely impact Tuition Assistance and/or Financial Aid.



This is a letter-graded course: A, B, C, D, or F.


The following course grades and their associated course averages are:

A: 90% and over B: 80 – 89.9% C: 70 – 79.9%

D: 60 – 69.9% F: 59.9% and below

There is plenty of time to complete the material and take the exams and make the postings, but

only if you are prepared; if the time seems “rushed” to you, take it as a sign that more preparation time

might be called for on future the Final Exam. So, do yourself a favor – plan to be prepared, take a deep

breath, and enjoy demonstrating a command of your newly acquired knowledge!

Assignment Percent of Course Grade
Posts to the Discussion Board (10 Total; turned in as two groups of 5) 20%
Exams (there are 2 exams @ 25% each) 50%
Post Seminar Assignment (Final Paper) 30%

Technical Support Information

If you experience technical problems, contact Information Technology by visiting their website at: or contacting them by telephone at: (405) 325-HELP (4357).


Materials posted on the OU CANVAS system:

Access CANVAS at; enter your OU NetID (4+4) and password, and select course to access the material.


Procedures for Completion of Course Evaluation: 

Upon completion of the course students should go to the Advanced Programs Online Learning Information webpage and click on the applicable semester link under “Online Course Evaluation” which will direct them to the evaluation.  The evaluation will take approximately five minutes to complete.  Completion of the online evaluation is an important tool allowing Advanced Programs to gain information and student feedback for improvement of courses.

Your responses will be kept confidential.  They will be reviewed by the department and only supplied to the professor once grades for the course have been submitted.


Materials posted on the OU CANVAS system:

Access CANVAS at; enter your OU NetID (4+4) and password, and select course to access material. Please contact your local the IT Help desk at 405-325-HELP if you require assistance.  IT is available 24/7

Statement about the MHR Program Planner and Human Relations Website

Students should become familiar with the MHR Program Planner that was sent to each student upon admission into the program.  The planner has a description of the HR program objectives and requirements, suggestions for graduate study, financial assistance, and graduation information. Of particular interest is the information on the comprehensive exams and the internship.  For further information please visit the Department of Human Relations Website at:

Reasonable Accommodation Statement

The University of Oklahoma is committed to providing reasonable accommodation for all students with disabilities.  Any student in this course who has a disability that may prevent him or her from fully demonstrating his or her abilities should contact me personally as soon as possible so we can discuss accommodations necessary to ensure full participation and facilitate your educational opportunities.  Students with disabilities must be registered with the Office of Disability Services prior to receiving accommodations in this course.  The Office of Disability Services is located in Goddard Health Center, Suite 166, phone 405-325-3852 or TDD only 405-325-4173. For more information please see the Disability Resource Center website


Civility/Inclusivity Statement:

We understand our members represent a rich variety of backgrounds and perspectives. The Human Relations Department is committed to providing an atmosphere for learning that respects diversity. While working together to build this community we ask all members to:

  • share their unique experiences, values and beliefs
  • be open to the views of others
  • honor the uniqueness of their colleagues
  • appreciate the opportunity we have to learn from each other in this community
  • value each other’s opinions and communicate in a respectful manner
  • keep confidential discussions the community has of a personal (or professional) nature
  • use this opportunity together to discuss ways in which we can create an inclusive environment in this course and across the University of Oklahoma community.

Religious Holidays

It is the policy of the University to excuse absences of students that result from religious observances and to provide without a penalty for the rescheduling of examinations and additional required class work that may fall on religious holidays, without penalty.


Attendance/Grade Policy

Attendance and participation in interaction, individual assignments, group exercises, simulations, role playing, etc. are valuable aspects of any course because much of the learning comes from discussions in class with other students. It is expected that you attend all classes and be on time except for excused emergencies.

Excused absences are given for professor mandated activities or legally required activities such as emergencies or military assignments. It is the policy of the University to excuse absences of students that result from religious observances and to provide without penalty for the rescheduling of examinations and additional required class work that may fall on religious holidays. Unavoidable personal emergencies, including (but not limited to) serious illness; delays in getting to class because of accidents, etc.; deaths and funerals, and hazardous road conditions will be excused.

If you are obtaining financial assistance (TA, STAP, FA, VA, Scholarship, etc.) to pay all or part of your tuition cost, you must follow your funding agency/institution’s policy regarding “I” (Incomplete) grades unless the timeline is longer than what the University policy allows then you must adhere to the University policy. Students who receive Financial Aid must resolve/complete any “I” (Incomplete) grades by the end of the term or he/she may be placed on “financial aid probation.” If the “I” grade is not resolved/completed by the end of the following term, the student’s Financial Aid may be suspended make the student ineligible for further Financial Aid.

Students are responsible for meeting the guidelines of Tuition Assistance and Veterans Assistance. See the education counselor at your local education center for a complete description of your TA or VA requirements.

OU faculty will submit grades online through ONE not later than 30 days after the course end date. Course end dates are approximately one calendar month after the final seminar date on this syllabus and are provided on the official scheduling website for reference.

Academic Integrity and Student Conduct 

Academic integrity means honesty and responsibility in scholarship. Academic assignments exist to help students learn; grades exist to show how fully this goal is attained. Therefore all work and all grades should result from the student's own understanding and effort.

Academic misconduct is any act which improperly affects the evaluation of a student’s academic performance or achievement. Misconduct occurs when the student either knows or reasonably should know that the act constitutes misconduct. Academic misconduct includes: cheating and using unauthorized materials on examinations and other assignments; improper collaboration, submitting the same assignment for different classes (self-plagiarism); fabrication, forgery, alteration of documents, lying, etc…in order to obtain an academic advantage; assisting others in academic misconduct; attempting to commit academic misconduct; destruction of property, hacking, etc…; intimidation and interference with integrity process; and plagiarism. All students should review the Student’s Guide to Academic Integrity at 

Students and faculty each have responsibility for maintaining an appropriate learning environment. All students should review policies regarding student conduct at 

Accommodation Statement

The University of Oklahoma is committed to making its activities as accessible as possible. For accommodations on the basis of disability, please contact your local OU Site Director.

Adjustment for Pregnancy/Childbirth-Related Issues

Should you need modifications or adjustments to your course requirements because of documented pregnancy-related or childbirth-related issues, please contact the professor as soon as possible to discuss. Generally, modifications will be made where medically necessary and similar in scope to accommodations based on temporary disability. Please see

Title IX Resources

For any concerns regarding gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, stalking, or intimate partner violence, the University offers a variety of resources, including advocates on-call 24/7, counseling services, mutual no-contact orders, scheduling adjustments, and disciplinary sanctions against the perpetrator. Please contact the Sexual Misconduct Office at [email protected] or (405) 325-2215 (8-5), or the Sexual Assault Response Team at (405) 615 -0013 (24/7) to report an incident. To learn more about Title IX, please visit the Institutional Equity Office’s website at 

Course Policies

Extended Campus (also and formerly known as Advanced Programs) policy is to order books in paperback if available. Courses, dates, and professors are subject to change. Please check with your OU Site Director. Students should retain a copy of any assignments that are e/mailed to the professor for the course. Neither duplicating services nor office supplies are provided.

Any and all course materials, syllabus, lessons, lectures, etc. are the property of professor teaching the course and the Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma and are protected under applicable copyright.

For more information about OU Extended Campus, visit our website at:

Statement on Respect

The classroom should provide a safe learning environment where students can express their views without fear of reprisal. That freedom of expression must be balanced by demonstrated respect for other’s viewpoints and appropriate and reasonable sensitivity, especially within the context of scholarly disagreement.  Disrespectful or uncivil dialogue (including, but not limited to, personal attacks, insults, or harassment) will not be tolerated.

Recording Devices/Phones/Computers

It is important for students to be fully present during class to fully benefit from lectures, discussions, and experiential assignments. Class sessions may not be tape-recorded. All telephones and pagers should be turned off or placed on silent mode. Computers may not be used during class. Students who require an exception to this policy should discuss exceptional circumstances with the professor.


Thomas J. Burns, Ph.D.

Education 1990 Ph.D., University of Maryland (M.A. University of Delaware; B.S.University of Maryland)

Current Positions

Professor of Sociology at the University of Oklahoma, and active in the Religious Studies,

International Relations, and Environmental Studies programs.

Frequently Taught Advanced Programs Courses

SOC 5970 Religion and Society SOC 5790 Environment and Society

Major Areas of Teaching and Research Interest

Dr. Burns’s research focuses on the outcomes, evolution and emergence of social institutions from a comparative

and historical perspective, particularly as they pertain to issues of religion and the environment.

Representative Publications and Presentations

• Burns, T.J., and B.S. Caniglia. 2017. Environmental Sociology: The Ecology of Late Modernity, 2e.

Norman, OK: Mercury Academic.

• Burns, T.J., and T.K. Rudel. 2015. Metatheorizing Structural Human Ecology at the Dawn of the Third

Millennium. Human Ecology Review, 22(1):13-33.

• Burns, T.J. (ed.). 2012. Canonical Texts: Selections from Religious Wisdom Traditions. San Diego:


• Burns, T.J. 2012.What Is Old and What Is New? Considering World-Systems in the 21st Century and

Beyond. In C. Chase-Dunn and S. Babones (eds.), Handbook of World-Systems Analysis. London:


• Burns, T.J. 2012. Marine Pollution. In G. Ritzer (ed.), Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization.

London: Blackwell;

• Burns, T.J. 2009. Culture and the Natural Environment. In A. Begossi and P.F. Lopes (eds.), Current

Trends in Human Ecology, Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Press;

• Burns, T.J., E.L. Kick, and B.L. Davis. 2006. A Quantitative, Cross-National Study of

Deforestation in the Late 20th Century: A Case of Recursive Exploitation. In A.K. Jorgenson and E.L.

Kick (eds.), Globalization and the Environment, Leiden: Brill;

• Burns, T.J., and T. LeMoyne. 2001. How Environmental Movements Can Be More Effective:

Prioritizing Environmental Themes in Political Discourse. Human Ecology Review, 8(1):26-38.

Representative Honors and Awards Received

• University of Utah, College of Behavioral and Social Science Superior Teaching Award

• University of Oklahoma, Good Teaching Award

• Society for Human Ecology, Gerald L. Young International Book Award

• Society for Human Ecology, Distinguished Leadership Award

• Book Review Editor, Human Ecology Review

• Editorial Board, Journal of World-Systems Research

• Representative Professional Affiliations: Society for Human Ecology, American Sociological

Association, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Oklahoma Sociological Association

(Past President)

Some Useful Things to Look For

In seeking to understand a religion and the societ(ies) of which it is part (note: these are many of the questions we

have in mind as we cover the respective religions. Also, this can serve as an outline for your final class paper):

1. Demographic characteristics

Estimates of numbers of people and their distribution (e.g. age, sex ratio, urban/rural,

developed/developing countries, geography and history of parts of the world where it is most



2. Key beliefs

e.g. monotheistic/polytheistic/animistic, afterlife, approaches to God

3. Orientation to the world

inner-worldly/other-worldly, ascetic/mystical

4. Sacred objects and people

e.g. Bible, Bhagavad Gita, Priests, Communion, Prasadam

5. Rituals and other practices

e.g. dietary proscriptions, daily prayer, proselytization practices. How do these relate to key


e.g. sacraments, (routinized action with others, promoting commonality of focus and

perceptions and facilitating social solidarity)

6. Interface with other societal institutions

Promotion of social solidarity and other functions in, for example, economy, polity, and

family. How separate are the other major institutions and social structures (e.g. class and

status stratification systems) from religion?

7. Religion as an ethical guide to everyday life

Given our discussion of religion and ethics, much as Max Weber has discussed a Protestant

Ethic, what are some characteristics of the ethics of the religions we are studying (e.g.

Confucian Ethic, or Taoist Ethic?) What effects have these had on individuals and institutions

in society?

8. Explication of Sacred Texts

Based on your reading and discussion how would you explain the meaning in a passage from

a tradition’s scripture? What are some of the different levels of meaning, from the personal to

the organizational, to the most macro level? What are some of the metaphors in play? Is there

extended metaphor, or allegory? If so, what are some of the larger ideas? What can we make

of mythos and logos based readings? How can they inform one another? How does the society

influence how a scripture is read and interpreted, and how does that reading in turn feed back

to the society itself?

9. Generally…

In general, when studying about a religion, to the extent possible, try to consider it from the standpoint of

the people practicing that religion. In all cases, understanding is more important than judgment.

Methodologically, an important concept here is Max Weber’s idea of Verstehen.


In addition to any specifics about a religion, you should generally be able to give the central ideas of the

religion in a few paragraphs. You should then be able to expand on those central ideas with meaningful


Also, attend to the considerations in the syllabus about the specifics in a given religion.

One sign of intellectual maturity is the ability to think about ideas in more than one way. In general,

rather than memorizing lists of things from the books or lectures, try to integrate them into your thinking,

come up with examples, and discuss them.


Course Process

In the brief time of the course, we will cover the same amount of material and do the same

amount of readings as a course that is, during a full semester, spread out over 16 weeks. There are

tradeoffs to this intense format. On the positive side, you cover the material quickly, but it is important to

keep a good pace throughout, as there is not the “down time” many people find during the longer full

semester. Students who tend to do best, make the course a priority during these few weeks

Given that the course is less than three weeks, and a total of 10 postings are graded, in order to

stay on pace, you should plan on writing a posting several times per week during the course. The good

news: If you stay up with the lectures and the ancillary materials provided and do your reading of the

news in a timely and focused fashion, you should be in good shape in the course.

You will be taking the exams at home (or wherever you choose that works for you – one of the

beauties of taking it online!) but you will need to prepare before taking them. Take this as fair warning—

trying to “wing it” will not lead to a good result. The exams are long enough to parallel a “take home”

exam from a physical classroom sort of format. The exams are both designed for you to be able to finish 

well within the timeframe, assuming you have prepared and maintain a reasonable and steady pace.